Monday, September 13, 2010

The Minnesota State Fair

I know this post is a little bit late, but better late then never.

The day was beautiful not very hot, just perfect. Needless to say going to a fair with friends is the best. Taking the bus is a treat in itself.

Lets get to the food! Once you get inside the gates its a free for all...lots and lots of people, the smell of every food imaginable on a stick, and miles to walk to get to it. But a burger it was, but here is the twist, garlic french fries. There was so much garlic, you could scare a vampire away for days, if necessary. The best part of this tasty treat was sitting in a building that had karaoke. I know you are scratching your head by now and I did the same, actually I wanted to cry out..take me away. The entertainment was not bad, there are actually some pretty talented people out there and had the courage to get up and show it off.

OK, after all of this I need something sweet (if only I could have a martini). Over to the chocolate covered waffles topped with whipped cream and in the world can you put this on a stick. It was delish, yummy, terrific!

OK, gang back on the bus we can worry about our clogged arteries tomorrow.

Can't wait for next year!

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